Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What’s been happening at Shuling Bloom?

Hello again. To those of you who were hoping to catch me at Open Doors at Orchard Cetral last weekend, many thanks and apologies - thank you for your support, and sorry for not being there. I had hurt my lower back the week before, so I decided to take a break to rest it.

But I haven’t been idle. I decided to take the opportunity to finish painting the pillow cover for my 93 year old  Ah Ma (grandma). Initially, I offered to paint a rose, but the dear lady asked for a “mu dan hua” ! It's China's national flower, she told me in Hokkien. I was stunned but respected her wishes, and scrambled to look for a picture of China's national flower, the peony. With the help of my art teacher, Marilyn, I was able to produce a decent peony. I must say I am rather pleased with it. 
I will give the pillow to Ah Ma this weekend. If she likes it, I’ll paint another for her, to make it a pair. Fingers crossed.

Here's Ah Ma's "mu dan hua" pillow cover

The peony done in acrylic paint.
Can you spot my chinese name?

Anyway, the pillow cover is completed and my back is also much better now. So I’ll be back at Open Doors this weekend. 
Come and say hello, won't you? Ciao!

Event: Open Doors Weekend Market
Date: 9 and 10 October 2010
Venue: Orchard Central, 181 Orchard Road
Time: 11am to 9pm (Sat),11am to 8pm (Sun)

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